Page 50 - MASALA Magazine Vol.15 Issue 8 | December - January 2025
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if you learn something new every day,
you can teach something new every day.
Curiosity drives me – I learn just as much
from clients and coworkers as I do from
textbooks. Experience, not just theory, is
the ultimate teacher.
You emphasise long-term relationships
with clients and support their financial
goals. What principles or core values guide
your approach to client relationships and
To me, every client is like family. I care
for them deeply and hope we can grow old
together on this journey. That’s why every
piece of advice I give comes with honesty
and transparency, even if the outcome isn’t
always ideal for either of us. This year, I
had the honour of receiving the Top of the
Year Persistency Award, 3rd place, from
Krungthai-AXA Thailand for 2023 – an
award for customer retention. It was at that
moment I realised my approach truly works,
and I’m beyond grateful to my clients for
trusting me along the way.
What does a typical week look like for you?
My days are a delicate balance between
work and motherhood. My husband and I
take turns with drop-offs for my daughter,
and during the day, I’m either working from
a café, at home, visiting clients or attending
a training session. No matter where I am, I
make sure to leave by 2.30 pm to pick her
up. Evenings are usually spent at home with
my daughter, though sometimes I squeeze there’s a growing narrative around questions like, “Do I need this, or do I just
in client meetings, training or dinners with redefining success and fulfilment. From want it?” Financial planning works best when
friends. My husband does his best to come your perspective, how has the perception of you’re young because time is your greatest
home early enough to put her to bed – she working mothers evolved, and what advice asset. Yet so many avoid conversations
waits for him! Saturdays are packed with or insights would you share with other about goals, risks, or retirement. We need
training, and Sundays are our sacred family women striving to juggle their careers and to empower younger generations to ask the
day. I used to be a workaholic, but now I’m family responsibilities effectively? hard questions, understand the risks, and
learning the art of balance. I’ve realised success isn’t about nailing the start planning for their future now. After
perfect balance, but embracing the chaos all, the business world is evolving, and
Juggling multiple roles as a mother, with a little flexibility and a lot of self- preparing for tomorrow begins with smart
wife and manager must come with its compassion. It’s learning to juggle career decisions today.
unique set of challenges. How do you and family without guilt, setting boundaries,
stay motivated and grounded despite the and being okay with asking for help – or As someone who has been on this
demands of your multifaceted life? even putting yourself first once in a while. professional journey for six years and
I love what I’m doing. It took exploring Success isn’t one-size-fits-all; it’s about what counting, what advice would you give
many fields to finally find my calling. I works for you. And if today feels like a mess, to new agents who aspire to create a
remind myself constantly why I’m here: the remember tomorrow’s another chance to meaningful and sustainable career?
joy of breaking things down, making the make it work. So, cut yourself some slack,
complicated simple, and helping someone and know this: you’re already amazing just It’s all about building relationships, not just
see what they were missing gives me a for showing up. ticking off transactions. Truly understanding
satisfaction no other job ever did. Sure, someone’s needs and offering a solution
money matters, but the real drive comes What initiatives or contributions do you that genuinely fits. Consistency is key,
from knowing I’m making a difference. Also, feel are most needed within the Thai- but so is the willingness to keep learning
I want to be a role model for my daughter Indian community to enhance financial and adapting. Life’s
– a woman who’s financially independent, literacy and long-term planning? always changing, and
passionate about her work and always Money shouldn’t be a taboo topic at home. the best relationships
evolving with the times. It’s not just about saving but understanding (whether personal or
why and how to spend as well as managing professional) are the
With more mothers balancing both what you have. Start early. Teach basic ones that grow with it.
professional roles and parenting duties, accounting and mindful spending with