Page 66 - MASALA Magazine Vol.15 Issue 8 | December - January 2025
P. 66

We were all facing

           Is the business an extension of family   enhancing the feeling of being part of a
           endeavours or your own career path and     supportive and close-knit group.  similar challenges,
             project?                         Being away from where you grew up,
           Although this remains within the same   alongside friends and family, how has the   and this shared
           industry as my family business, I had to   family dynamic been over these years?
            start my business from scratch.                                        experience fostered
                                              The family dynamic remained largely
           Regarding the familial environment, can   unchanged during my time in China. My
           you speak about your experience with the   parents would visit occasionally, as did my   a strong sense of
           local Thai-Indian or Indian community   siblings and often my cousins from different
           in China?                          parts of the world. Many of them came not        community.
           When I first moved to China, there were   just to spend time with us but also to support
           no familiar faces from Thailand, but I was   us by sourcing products and placing orders
            fortunate to meet Indians from various   through our company.        from the very beginning. These celebrations
            parts of the world, including Taiwan, India,   Surprisingly, I didn’t find the move to China   brought everyone together and created a
           Hong Kong, Indonesia, and beyond. This   to be much of an adjustment—or perhaps   strong sense of community. Some residents
           immediately created a sense of belonging and   I adapted to it quickly. I believe this was   even set up apartments as makeshift temples
           made me feel at home. One lucky encounter   because, alongside focusing on building   where weekly prayers and gatherings were
            stands out—a lady we met at a shopping mall   a business, we were fortunate to develop   held, helping us maintain our spiritual and
           mentioned that most Indians lived in a large   meaningful friendships. These relationships   cultural practices.
           apartment complex called Regal Court. We   helped us create a new version of home,   Additionally, friends would often organise
           decided to rent our first apartment there, and   making the transition much smoother and   outings to Indian restaurants or cook
           it truly became our home away from home.    more fulfilling.          traditional dishes and gather in each other’s
           At that time, most of us were relatively new   How do you keep your cultural heritage   apartments to enjoy meals together. These
            to China, which made it easier to form   alive in a foreign land?    small but meaningful moments allowed
            friendships. We were all facing similar   Living in a building with many Indian   us to keep our cultural heritage alive and
           challenges, and this shared experience   families, along with others moving into   thriving, even in a foreign land. Fortunately,
            fostered a strong sense of community. Later,   Guangzhou over time, made it easy for us   I am in Bangkok now and intend to be here
           when some Thai-Indians moved to the area,   to celebrate festivals like Diwali and Holi   permanently – home is where the heart is,
           it added an extra layer of warmth and comfort,                        and I am home!

                 AAKASH CHUGANI,
           mainly apparel, dabbles in various ventures,
               such as furniture and sourcing for
                 various inquiries since 2010.

           I completed university in Australia in 2009,
           my brother was already present in China
           by 2004. We saw an opportunity to partner
           up in Guangzhou and to start a new line of
           work and grow our business. We’ve never
           looked back.

           How would you describe the Chinese
           culture shock?
           The language barrier, certain foods, and
            slightly aggressive behaviour (but in a good
           way). The locals are quick to get things done
           and aren’t afraid to voice their opinions,
           which is the complete opposite of how Thais
           operate.  If I want something done in China,
           I’m given a price and delivery date – 9 out
           of 10 times it’s accurate.         Generally, my staff starts wrapping up at 7   Even in terms of getting things done from
                                              pm, depending on their workload.  However,  a legal perspective, every one to two years
           Are there stark differences in the work   if they are busy, they stay until the tasks   I have to renew my work permit and visa
           culture, between Thailand and China?  are complete. We don’t have any specific   in China. It’s a very clear-cut process when
           In terms of work ethic, the locals can work   work hours; this is something I learned a   you go through agents, and it is an hour’s
           round the clock. In my company, my staff   few years ago. You train your staff to take   visit to the immigration office and it takes
            gets in around 9.30 am to 10 am, Monday   responsibility and let them make mistakes.  about a week to process. Everything is very
            to Friday. Mind you, we previously worked   It’s all a learning experience. At times, my   systematic and organised, which helps as
           on Saturdays as well, but my staff deserved   staff dedicated themselves to working until   you know what to expect.
           more family time, so we’ve agreed to extend   9 pm. They are aware of the urgency of their
            their weekly schedule by four to five hours.  responsibilities.

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