Page 67 - MASALA Magazine Vol.15 Issue 8 | December - January 2025
P. 67

Simply, the rules are very clear. What I’ve    How are the entrepreneurial opportunities   from Holi, Diwali and any other pujas along
           realised in the past few years is that my staff   in China?           the way. I can honestly say I’m closer to
           are beginning to value a good work-life                               the Indian community here than the one
           balance, as they too want to spend time   Loads of opportunities to grow here, even in   in Bangkok.

           with their kids and their families. This is   industries I’m not a part of. The beauty of   How have you managed connections with
           quite different from how things were several   being in China is that I get calls from all over   family and friends?
           years ago.                         the world, either friends or acquaintances,
                                              making inquiries about furniture, toys,  I’ve always known where my priorities lay
           How is your overall experience in   building materials, sports equipment, you   and give all my energy to family and work.
           Guangzhou, knowing they have a     name it. Things move quite quickly here   I’ve made and continue to make frequent
           completely different system in place?  and everyone is hungry for business which   trips to Bangkok to visit my parents and try
           Great experience. They have more apps     I can respect.              my best to be back for things like birthdays
           in China than in any other country in the   Is the business an extension of family   or Diwali whenever I can. Fortunately, I
           world. Mind you, the apps here only operate   endeavours or your own career path and   have a good team at work, so should I need
           in Chinese. Once you figure out how to use   project?                 to take time off work, I know my office
            the apps, it makes your life a lot easier. The                       can handle it. Especially with technology
            kind of services and the variety of services   Bit of both. Dad started the business in   as such, if there’s anything that needs my
            that can be provided here is something you   Thailand in the early 80s, and my brother   immediate attention, my staff contacts me
           don’t see in other countries.      and I saw an opportunity to grow in the   through WeChat. I can basically work from
           I made a point to learn the local language   2000s. Fast forward 14 years and I’m still   anywhere.

            to a level where I didn’t have to be reliant     here!               What’s next for Aakash Chugani?
           on someone else. I did private classes for   How have your interactions with the
           a few months, but later on, I used a trick   local Thai-Indian or Indian community   For now, I’m in Guangzhou. I don’t see a
            that my teacher taught me: pick 5-10 words   in China been?          need to make any moves at the moment.
           a day and memorise them. In a week, let’s                             However, should an opportunity arise, I’m
            say you have 70 words, out of which even   The Indian community here is quite small   happy to move back to Bangkok or another
           if you remember 30-35, you’re still better   and as such are warm and extremely helpful.  country wherever that might be. I have
           off than the week before. It took me a while   Anytime I’ve needed any help or was craving   no issues about picking up and moving.
            to get used to living here, but after a couple   some special meals, for example, it’s just a   Moreover, I make around six to eight trips
           of years, I can safely say China has become   phone call away. They’ve always tried to   a year to Bangkok considering a flight is less
           my home; for now, at least.        involve everyone in any activities or events   than three hours from Guangzhou.

                 CHIRAG CHUGANI
                is currently in Guangzhou and
                has been for the past 16 years.

           I was born and raised in Bangkok, and
           lived there until I was 18. I graduated
            from NIST in Bangkok and then moved to
           Melbourne, Australia, for college. Despite
           my time abroad, Thailand remains close
            to my heart as my friends and family still
           live there. After graduating from Monash
           University with a major in Marketing,
           I faced a career decision: pursue a
            traditional marketing role or join the family
           business. Inspired by my father’s success
           in the export business, I chose the latter.
           Although we had an office in Bangkok, I
           worked under my uncle in Hong Kong
           and China. I spent a year in Hong Kong
           before moving to Guangzhou to run the
           office. My time there revealed immense
           opportunities in the region. After six years
           of invaluable experience, I started my own
           company in China. The decision was driven   years ago. It’s hard to imagine now, but the   I’ll admit, I missed Bangkok a lot during those
           by the chance to learn, immerse myself   city I moved to back then was completely   early days. The familiarity of home felt far
           in a dynamic market, and carve out my   different from what it is today.   away. But as I spent more time here, I began
           entrepreneurial path.              The language barrier was a huge challenge,  to truly understand the culture, the people,
                                              and there was a noticeable lack of a foreign   and their incredible work ethic. I was amazed
           Describe your first run-in with cultural   community or international restaurants at the   by the pace of technological advancement
           differences.                       time. On top of that, many popular websites   and how much opportunity the city offered.
           My first “welcome to China” moment   like Google and YouTube were blocked,  Looking back, those initial struggles were part
           happened on day one of arriving here, 16   which made adapting even more difficult.  of what made the experience so rewarding.

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