Page 68 - MASALA Magazine Vol.15 Issue 8 | December - January 2025
P. 68

many popular websites like Google and
           If I could turn back time, I wouldn’t change
           a thing. This city has shaped me in ways        YouTube were blocked, which made
           I never imagined, and I feel grateful for
            the journey.
                                                                    adapting even more difficult.
           After 16 years, would you say your
           experience in  Guangzhou has  been
           My overall experience has been incredible.  ability to source anything and everything   How challenging has it been?
           I love this city and everything it offers.  instantly is what makes China the ‘global   Guangzhou is only a 2.5-hour flight ride
           Initially, the language was challenging, but   factory’ of the world.  away, which makes it a lot easier to keep in
           I knew I had to learn it to succeed.   The government has also played a significant   touch and visit my family and friends back
           It took about a year, and I’m still improving   role in supporting the industry. By   home. As for me, I moved here when I was
           daily. Learning the language helped me   maintaining vibrant local markets, allowing   21 and got married about four years ago.
           build relationships with colleagues and   suppliers the flexibility to operate efficiently,   My wife and kid live in Guangzhou with
            suppliers.                        and facilitating customer access to China,   me, so it’s been great to have them here
           Technological advancements came    they’ve made doing business here seamless.   after being alone all these years. I was also
           later, making life easier. The harder the   The organisation of global trade fairs, such   lucky to be able to meet my parents, my
           experience, the stronger you become, and   as the Canton Fair in Guangzhou, further   sister and all my friends quite often, and it
           my time in China has proven that true. It   showcases the country’s commitment to   didn’t affect the relationships as much. Of
           helped me mature and grow beyond my   connecting businesses and fostering growth.  course, when it comes to friends, that was
           comfortable bubble in Bangkok. Making  While challenges do exist, such as   the age everyone started their own journey
            foreign friends early on also helped me   navigating cultural differences or staying   in life, so keeping in touch on a daily basis
            settle in quicker.                compliant with regulations, I’ve found
                                              that the opportunities far outweigh them.   was tough, but nothing has changed after
           Can you give us a brief breakdown of   The business-friendly environment and   all these years.

           how the work culture differs from other   infrastructure have made it much easier   How do you keep  your  Thai-Indian
           countries?                         to  operate and  grow.  Overall, China’s   heritage alive in unfamiliar territory?
           Efficiency. Efficiency. Efficiency. This is   efficiency, resources and support have   When it comes to my Thai heritage, the only
            the one major difference I have noticed   been instrumental in helping my business   way I could do this is by eating as much Thai
           between work culture in China and   succeed in this highly competitive industry.  food as possible [laughs]. However, when
           anywhere else in the world. I have clients                            it comes to my Indian background, it was
           mainly from South America and I have   Is it safe to say this is part of the family   much easier to keep it alive as I have a lot
           noticed their way of working compared to     business?                of my Indian friends who live here as well.
           China are worlds apart. In China, everyone   As mentioned earlier, I decided to work   We have Diwali balls, parties and countless
           is a workaholic, whether it be the janitor in   under my uncle for around six years before   gatherings that help us keep in touch with
            the building or the top-level manager in the   starting my own path. So, in a way, it is   our heritage.
           company. Doing the job right, regardless of   something that a lot of the elders in my
            the time it takes, is their number one priority.  family members do for work, but it also isn’t,   Do you plan on staying in China for the
           My suppliers and staff would happily reply   as I chose my own industry in terms of what   foreseeable future, or is there a move back
            to any inquiry, be it at 7 am or at 10 pm! I   I supply and also to which clients I supply.   to Thailand?
           have had times when I have come to the   What I do is, what you can say, an extension   A move back to Thailand is definitely on
           office on a Sunday to catch up on some of   of my father’s business but completely on   the cards. I have been away for so long and
           my work, only to find all of my staff here   my own to new markets and clients.  now that I have a new baby boy in my life, I
           as well! When questioned, “What are you                               want him to experience what I did growing
           all doing in the office?” their reply was,   Have your relationships with the local   up in Bangkok. My wife and I have decided
           “Sorry boss, we couldn’t finish everything by   Thai-Indian or Indian community in   that raising him till the age of 4-5 years-old
           Saturday, so we wanted to come and get the   China been nurtured well?  in China would be the best scenario for
           job done.” Their commitment to the job is   When I first moved to Guangzhou, only   us and only move back to Thailand when
            truly unbelievable and is also probably one   two of my Thai-Indian cousins lived here.   he has to start schooling. Even though I
           of the biggest reasons why China is where   Our community was small, with about 100-  love Guangzhou and have my business
            they are today.                   200 people, but it grew significantly over
                                              the next five years. We have a close-knit   established here, a move back to Bangkok
           How well has your industry grown over the   community where everyone knows each   is long overdue. A lot of my friends have
            past years, and what supports the success?  other. Many Indians live in Regal Court,   done this recently, moving their immediate
           I work in the fast fashion clothing industry,  which also houses our local mandir and   family overseas and travelling back for work
                                                                                 when they need to. This is something that
            primarily serving South American markets.  Indian supermarket, making it easy to meet   I would do as well in the future. Many of
           To put it simply, what I do would not be   and connect with others. Newcomers are   my closest friends have moved and/or are
            possible anywhere else in the world. Fast   warmly welcomed to help them settle in.   planning to move sometime in the future.
            fashion requires access to a vast and efficient   Age isn’t a barrier to friendship here; I have   As for me, if I do move, there will be no
            supply chain, including fabrics, accessories,  friends ranging from 26 to 56 years old, both   other place than Thailand.
           designs, and quick lead times. In China, I   married and single, with kids or without. It’s
           can complete a task in 30 days, which would   a refreshing change from my life in Bangkok.
            take at least 120 days in Thailand. The
                                              How do you balance business and family?

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