Page 72 - MASALA Magazine Vol.15 Issue 8 | December - January 2025
P. 72
“I find doodling very relaxing. It’s distressing; whenever I am stressed
at home, I just sit and do my doodling. I feel very relaxed and can
sleep well.”
“I have always liked art and have been doing some form of it since
my school days. When I came to Bangkok a year ago, I started
coming to these classes. When I started doing mandalas, I really
enjoyed it and found it to be very meditative. Now, I always wait
for Mondays to come to class. It’s really nice!”
“I started coming to class a year ago and I feel very good here. I
feel instant joy whenever I do the art class and have met very nice
people. It is a beautiful way of meditating; the type of meditation
that comes from art makes me forget everything. All bad feelings
and sadness just go away. We wait for Mondays to attend these
classes and our art teachers, Kiran Ma’am and Lily are very nice **Translated from Punjabi
and kind.” “I am very grateful and happy to be here. The class is very good for
me and I enjoy it a lot.”
“I am very happy to cook food for all the aunties. I am very grateful
to all of them for letting me make their food.” “I love this class. This class has brought many fond childhood
memories back. I am very thankful to Kiran and Lily. When I
SUKHBIR KAUR, 59 first joined, I felt hesitant with everything as I had forgotten how
to even draw lines. I feel like now I have achieved so much with
This is a beautiful space where people of all ages, backgrounds and yoga, drawing and even dance! We all feel that this is not a class
beliefs can come together to experience growth and connection but rather an art family.”
in ways they may not have found elsewhere. It is a sanctuary for
personal development, love and joy – a space we hold dear. We hope JAI KAUR, 71
everyone will join this wonderful and much-needed community
of love and grace, where we paint, laugh, sing, draw and share “The feeling is very good and I like the class a lot, but I don’t know
meaningful moments. The dedication of Kiran and Lily, who have how to do much of it. Slowly but surely, I am learning, and I will
selflessly devoted their time, energy and hearts to creating this haven, be able to accomplish more while my friends are helping me out.
is truly commendable and remarkable. Thanks to their efforts, this I am very determined.”
community has transformed lives. Especially for the elderly who RATTAN SETHI, 80
need outlets for expression and belonging. Thank you, Kiran, Lily
and Sukhbir. The delicious food that she relentlessly arranges for “Since I have come to this class, I have transformed from zero to
everyone topping it off with all their heartwarming smiles. hero. I have to thank Kiran for art and Lily for yoga, and for all
SABI DOOWA, 56 their effort. My wish is that our love and connection continue to
grow even more as a class.”
“I do art very little here but whenever I do, I feel very good. It is SIMRET KAUR MUCHAL, 79
a beautiful way to express yourself. You can put anything on the
paper that comes to mind and you can release and let go of things. “My feeling is that I am very thankful to my daughter who brought
I am more into music as I teach music but art I am doing on me to this class where I can laugh and play. I am so, so thankful
and off. This is really beautiful. Everybody is the same here and to all the daughters.”
everybody is welcome – so welcome. My sister, Ravinder (music GUNJEET KAUR, 80
teacher), started together with Kiran and Lily here and they did a
lot of hard work. When everybody comes here, they feel so cosy “We enjoy this class a lot and we look forward and wait for Mondays.
and warm - it’s such a beautiful group.” A big thanks to Kiran and Lily.”
“I’m very pleased that such a community centre has been created “First, I never liked art. I came because of someone’s recommendation.
for the elderly and us. I wish, that in the future, there will be more She told me to come with her and I said no at first but after she
of these initiatives, even for the senior men who have retired. I feel insisted, I gave it a chance. I told her I would go once and if I
that this can bring together human selfless love. I have also learned enjoyed it, I would continue without any force. Now, I have told
to appreciate and be more patient with my elders through watching everyone that Mondays are kept for my class, so no other plans
Kiran-ji and Lily doing these selfless classes out of pure love.” should be made.”