Page 58 - MASALA Vol 8 Issue 6 June-July 2017
P. 58
There’s much to learn when
it comes to dealing with the
Thai working style. Here,
there is not such a large
infrastructure of people and
you have to deal with the
language barriers too.
Asked why he chose to open the second Holey in Bangkok, Porag events of the siege with Sadat, who was sitting at the command
told me he was going to move to Bangkok regardless. His initial plan centre at the army who were preparing for the rescue mission.
of living in Dhaka for ve years had extended to a decade, which It was a chaotic situation. Everyone was killed in the rst ve
is why they decided they wanted to move. Bangkok was the best minutes, one of whom he saw killed in front of him (on the phone).
option in Southeast Asia. The couple used to come here almost “My friend did not make it. My Italian chef was able to jump o the
every weekend and leave by Sunday. They like that there are all roof from the third oor, as did 30 more sta .” The siege ended 12
sorts of people here just like in New York. His son, now six years old, hours later, at 9am in the morning. It’s almost been a year since
was born here as well. However, the Thai working culture is di erent that gloomy night, and since then, they have opened the bakery
to the Bangladeshi and American styles he is used to. “There’s at a new location. “In Bangladesh, the Holey name is well known.
much to learn when it comes to dealing with the Thai working style. For better or worse, people know it. But we have not attained even
I’m used to a more straightforward approach like in New York. But 20 percent of our target for Bangkok as we’re still in the process
there is also a laidback working style in Bangladesh. We have a of building the team here.”
lot of help there so things can get done easily. Here, there is not
such a large infrastructure of people and you have to deal with the Porag’s passion to bake bread has been transferred to The Holey
language barriers too.” Artisan Bakery, whose success story, also touched by tragedy
and personal loss, is inspirational. And Porag is not stopping there.
What does he miss about Bangladesh? “I miss the mangoes Recognising the opportunity to further extend the Holey brand to
and lychees from Bangladesh and I miss my friends. I also had a Asia, he has plans to expand in future to Dubai, Hong Kong, Kuala
bakery in Dhaka, which was extremely popular.” The bakery came Lumpur, Manila and Colombo, amongst other cities. We can expect
under international media frenzy after the terrorist attack on July to see the Holey brand in Dubai ideally in the rst half of next year.
1st, 2016. At 9.20pm, ve militants entered with crude bombs, Meanwhile, the produce selection continues to expand, and the
machetes and pistols. They took hostages and opened re on the likes of Holey Pasta and Holey Cheese will soon make their way to
bakery. Twenty-nine people were killed, including many of Porag’s Bangkok. Porag also hopes to bring Holey Gelato to Bangkok by the
sta and friends. Porag was in Bangkok then, having just opened end of the year.
the bakery two weeks before. He had a vacation planned for the
next day as his friends were visiting him from New York. One of
his friends had just arrived at 9.30pm that night, when he got Holey Artisan Bread
the call from Sadat. Luckily, Sadat had just left the bakery to visit 245/12 Sukhumvit Soi 31, Bangkok, Thailand 10110
his neighbouring restaurant. But one of Porag’s best friends was Open daily: 7am – 7pm
still in there. This incident, deemed as the worst terrorist attack Tel: 02 101 1427
in Bangladesh, was extremely chaotic. Parts of which Porag saw
live. One of the security camera’s feed was linked to his phone,
giving him inside coverage of the event. He was coordinating the
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