Page 57 - MASALA Vol 8 Issue 6 June-July 2017
P. 57

restaurant business in New York and Philadelphia. The couple was   the best bread, which is why we call ourselves Holey. Because we
                 happy in Dhaka. They had a close group of friends and indulged   want to make the best holes. The bread’s holes are what makes
                 in the good life. But  ve years later, Lillian was missing bread   the bread, and that is the mark of true craftsmanship. If you don’t
                 terribly. There was no real bread, at least not the sort they were   have the skills, you won’t get the holes, and the bread will be dense
                 used to in New York. This was what  rst inspired Porag to learn to   like the loaves you  nd in the supermarket.” Porag generously
                 make bread. After a year of kneading and moulding dough, he still   o ered me a variety of his bestselling items to taste, including the
                 wasn’t there yet though. He called in consultants to help, one of   Almond croissant, Sourdough bagel and Death by Chocolate cake.
                 them being the great Maurice Chaplais. Soon afterwards, Porag   And indeed, everything was phenomenal! No wonder Holey is doing
                 found himself learning the art of making bread under this British   so well. A client leaving the restaurant, who turns out to be a chef
                 artisan bakery specialist, together with his friend Sadat. Wasting   at a nearby restaurant, points to Porag and exclaims “He’s the best
                 no time at all, the two friends, armed with their new skills, joined   baker.” Clients return to Holey for the passion that is apparent in
                 hands to start Holey Artisan Bakery in Dhaka, which was an   all their products. All of the items are made fresh daily by Porag
                 instant success.                                     himself. Loaves take up to three days to produce, while any
                                                                      remaining food is donated nightly to the SOS charity organisation
                 Later, on June 11th, 2016, the second franchise of the much-loved   that serves 300 Pakistani refugee families. In a few months’ time,
                 bakery was opened in Bangkok. Porag con dently tells me that you   he will be able to take the training wheels o , and pass on the
                 cannot buy bread of this quality anywhere else in Thailand, let alone   responsibility of running the bakery to his team, enabling him to
                 the rest of Southeast Asia. The closest source is more than 2,800   visit Dhaka more to take care of his family business instead.
                 miles away, in Tokyo, Japan. “We still have the passion to make

                         We still have the passion to make
                         the best bread, which is why we call
                         ourselves Holey. Because we want to

                         make the best holes. The bread’s holes
                         are what makes the bread, and that is

                         the mark of true craftsmanship.

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