Page 65 - MASALA Vol 8 Issue 6 June-July 2017
P. 65

Home Kitchen

                 All Fired Up

                 About Fusion

                 Prabh Singh Mutneja focuses on creating dynamite  avours

                 to satisfy our ever-growing demand for sensational and
                 surprising tastes.

                 Hunger wasn’t the reason cooking was invented. It was our desire to   As the restaurant was Indian, I  rst focused on learning Indian
                 simply make our food taste better and healthier. That psychological   cooking by spending hours and hours observing, learning and then
                 urge has revolutionised our world. The impact of cooking has been   practising with my mother. As I started to get the basics right,
                 huge in building and shaping our societies, creating a strong culinary    I realised that something had changed. What I had started to do to
                 identity through the unique  avours and ingredients of our regions.   save the business, had become a magical journey of exploration.
                 As our societies progressed, so did our tastes, demanding ever
                 greater standards and variety.                       Quickly, my cooking turned creative. Through my dishes, I had the
                                                                      opportunity to express what words could not. I started to become
                 Cooking empowers you to be creative. Personally, I think of cooking   bold and extravagant. From then onwards, the food I created was
                 as a philosophical and artistic projection of our characters. But my   surprising and exciting. Creating fusion dishes became my forte.
                 path to this understanding was quite by accident.    Thai food, one of my favourite cuisines, was my native source of
                                                                      inspiration. I started combining  avours and adding a touch of Italian.
                 After completing my degree in engineering sciences, I returned to ter completing my degree in engineering sciences, I returned to   It was as if all my learning (including the engineering) came together
                 help my f                                            at this point. I had become whole, and our diners were enjoying
                 help my father with his restaurant start-up business. In addition ather with his restaurant start-up business. In addition
                                                                      better-than-ever cuisine at our now bustling restaurant. -than-ever cuisine at our now bustling restaurant.
                 to dealing with all the usual highs and lows of a start-up, I was also o dealing with all the usual highs and lows of a start-up, I was also   better
                                                                      Let’s explore some fusion recipes together. s explore some fusion recipes together.
                 forced to face the fact that the chef was the most important asset. To orced to face the fact that the chef was the most important asset. To   Let’
                 save the business from closing, I took on the ultimate challenge — om closing, I took on the ultimate challenge —
                 save the business fr
                 t to learn how to cook myself. o learn how to cook myself.
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