Page 61 - MASALA Magazine Vol.15 Issue 2 | December 2023 - January 2024
P. 61
Can you share with us a favourite memory?
My fondest memory is the time when I was 16 years old and mother major accident at the age of 55. My ankle bones were crushed, and I
had to travel to India for a very important family matter. At that time, had to undergo surgery and physiotherapy for six months before I could
my youngest brother was only 4 months old, and my mother had to walk again. According to the doctor, I might not have recovered as much
leave him with me for 7-8 months. I consider those months, when I as I did if it hadn’t been for my prior fitness regimen. What’s kept me
took care of my brother instead of my mother, very precious. Today, I going on was my faith in God, and my two daughters and son-in-law.
feel proud as he is a doctor and very successful in life. Till date, I recite the Hanuman Chalisa in the evening for one hour.
What health and wellness tips would you like to share? Any final reflections or advice?
Being 85 years old and still alive today does not imply that my health If I could give anyone one piece of advice, it would be to prioritise
and life have been perfect the entire time. However, looking back, a yourself so you can take care of your family, and set an example to them
few things would have been helpful to me as I was dealing with health on how to take care of themselves. This advice is especially intended for
problems that arose at various points in my life. My physician suggested women. For the younger generation, it’s critical that you begin healthy
that I begin exercising by doing a few effective at-home workouts. habits early in life and stick with them. Most importantly, maintain
Eating food prepared at home was crucial since one could regulate the a good family network and support system. Lastly, stay anchored by
ingredients and oil. One month after my husband passed away, I had a keeping God as part of your life.
Can you share with us a favourite memory?
My fondest memories revolve around my husband, a genuinely good
human being. I have a vivid memory of a time when I travelled to
India with my father-in-law, leaving my husband behind in Thailand
MRS. SURINDER KAUR to manage our shop. After a few days, a gentleman approached my
SACHDEV veranda and asked, “Do you know who has come to India with me?”
88 years old In a matter of seconds, I heard someone calling my name, and there
Housewife and Owner was my husband! That day holds a special place in my heart forever.
of Srisuwan Shop
(Mukdaharn) What health and wellness tips would you like to share?
Maintaining healthy eating habits and ensuring adequate sleep
What were your earliest years contribute to overall well-being. Striking a balance is crucial, and
like? Any historical events that cherishing happy moments together plays a significant role. Over the
you remember? years, not much has changed in my routine. I’d like to express my
During my early years, my family lived together in a joint household, belief that I have the world’s best daughters-in-law. Both of them are
sharing a home with my cousins, uncles, and aunts. The atmosphere was incredibly considerate and wholeheartedly take care of me, alleviating
notably serene, and I feel fortunate to have grown up in an environment any stress. My children consistently call me at least once a day, fulfilling
devoid of negativity. Our upbringing emphasised sharing and caring the desires of any mother. I feel that what has evolved over time is my
for each other within the household. As a child, I cherished outdoor sense of happiness and contentment, which I attribute to my good health.
activities, particularly enjoying skipping and playing hopscotch with Any final reflections or advice?
everyone in the family.
I advise all young individuals to consider their parents’ opinions in any
I distinctly remember the partition of India in 1947. A friend of my task they undertake. Additionally, I’d like to share a valuable piece of
father, who was a police official, informed him that gunshots would wisdom – everyone should acquire the skill of managing their finances,
be fired around 12pm, and residential areas would be set ablaze. He as we can never predict what the future holds for us.
strongly advised my father to evacuate our place along with all family
members. Since we didn’t have any means of transportation, my father
initially called for a few rickshaws but ultimately decided that we should
walk. A remarkable detail I recall is that a Muslim father assisted us, MR SHIVRAM
enabling our safe journey to Amritsar. CHUTISACHA
What are your thoughts on the technological and social changes 83 years old
you’ve lived through? Entrepreneur/Business
Back in our era, telephones were nonexistent, and we relied on trunk Owner
calls, requiring reservations made about a month in advance for
long-distance communication. Letters were a significant means of What has your journey been
correspondence, often read multiple times. This absence of modern like from your earlier years
conveniences, however, doesn’t diminish the quality of our past times. to now? What were the most
While the present offers unparalleled convenience, our contentment significant historical events in
in those times was genuine. your memory?
After leaving present-day Pakistan because of the partition, I recall
Societal norms have undergone significant transformations. In the past, engaging in various sports and assisting my father in the confectionery
parents held a tighter grip on their children’s life decisions, including business. My favourite subject in school was Thai history, and the history
crucial matters like marriage and household budgeting. For instance, of King Rama IX left the most profound impact on me. In honour of
seeking permission from parents was customary when wanting to go his memory, I even became a monk at a wat.
out. It wasn’t merely about informing; it involved asking for permission,
a distinction that is less pronounced today. Nowadays, there’s a shift, The most pivotal incident that left a lasting impression on me occurred
with children increasingly making decisions independently, which I in 1984 when our business suffered a substantial setback because of
see as having its own advantages. Nevertheless, adapting to changing the economic downturn. Despite the challenging circumstances, we
times is crucial, and though it may take time to familiarise oneself with persevered, expressing gratitude for our recovery and managed to
new cultural norms, going with the flow is always beneficial. regain our footing.