Page 22 - Masala Lite Issue 157 January 2024
P. 22


                                                                                             Impactful Indian documentaries
                                                                                                  that are worth the watch.

                                                                                                        BY MAHMOOD HOSSAIN

                                                                                                    AGAINST THE TIDE (2023)

                                                                                                     Rated 84 on Metascore and 95 percent ‘Fresh’ on Rotten
                                                                                                     Tomatoes,  Against the Tide follows two indigenous
                                                                                                     fishermen in Mumbai, India, as their friendship hangs in
                                                                                                     the balance while they go their separate ways to keep their
                                                                                                     struggling families afloat. While Ganesh approaches his
                                                                                                     duties with the latest technology and a large crew, Rakesh
                                                                                                     operates with humble means, adhering to traditional
                                                                                                     Koli methods. Their contrasting views, however, are met
                                                                                                     with common challenges and can only be overcome by
                                                                                                     remaining resolute. This film is a stunning view into an
                                                                                                     ecosystem that is tainted by corporate greed and the drastic
                                                                             shift in the climate, and where one friend commits to favourable decisions compared to
                                                                             the other.

                                                                                                     THE ELEPHANT WHISPERERS (2022)

                                                                                                     There are plenty of hard-hitting documentaries that will
                                                                                                     leave you devastated and speechless. The winner of the
                                  here used to be a time when well-
                                  executed documentaries were very                                   Academy Awards Best Documentary Short Film, The
                                  far in between. They were also                                     Elephant Whisperers delivers what critic Poulomi Das
                                  considered a completely different                                  appropriately stated as, “ultimately a love story about the
                                  pursuit in the art of filmmaking,                                  power of community.” This heartwarming project displays
                                  documenting real-world people                                      pure devotion and care by Bomman and Bellie for an
                     and stories from a certain point of view, on a                                  orphaned baby elephant named Raghu. Set in South India,
                     much smaller budget. With today’s technology                                    both the couple and the elephant forge a special familial
                     and greater emphasis on storytelling on streaming,                              bond while showcasing the nature of the Indian culture and
                     documentaries have been released in droves. While                               the purity of environmental conservation. Be warned, this
                     some rely on their flair for dramatics, others remain                           film can also be considered a tear-jerker; but in a good way.

                     true to their fly-on-the-wall perspectives. Either
                     way, it still makes for great entertainment. More                               THE HUNT FOR VEERAPPAN (2023)
                     importantly, it helps us better reflect on our own
                                    experiences.                                                     This four-part docuseries on Netflix is about an infamous
                                                                                                     poacher and smuggler who conquered the South Indian
                     Here is a diverse mix of Indian documentaries from                              jungles, later becoming the subject of the biggest manhunt
                     the past couple of years that are either critically                             in India for 20 years. Some stories play out like Hollywood
                     acclaimed or highly recommended. And they are                                   scripts, only to realise it’s non-fiction. Veerappan is
                          all, most definitely, worth the watch.
                                                                                                     responsible for building a criminal empire, a long-standing
                                                                                                     rivalry with the police, and adding to an extensive list of
                                                                                                     abductions, violence, and bloodshed. This series has become
                                                                                                     more of a fan favourite (with an 86 percent audience score
                                                                                                     on Rotten Tomatoes) than a recommendation by critics
                                                                                                     (4 out of 4 critics rated it ‘Fresh’), which shouldn’t deter
                                                                                                     audiences from watching and enjoying it.

                               ALL THAT BREATHES (2022)                                              WRITING WITH FIRE (2021)

                               With a 99 percent ‘Fresh’ rating on Rotten Tomatoes,                  Writing with Fire is one of the best examples of women
                               87 on Metascore, and having made its rounds through                   empowerment, a documentary that follows Chief Reporter
                               the 2022 Sundance Film Festival and Cannes Film                       Meera and her team of dedicated journalists shattering
                                Festival, All That Breathes is a wonderful story about               traditions in a male-dominated industry by being India’s
                               two brothers, Nadeem Shezad and Mohammad Saud,                        only newspaper led and run by Dalit women. With a 100
                               who run a bird clinic in Wazirabad, Delhi. Rescuing and               percent ‘Fresh’ rating on Rotten Tomatoes, the film is
                               treating injured black kites (medium-sized birds of prey),            regarded as a spirited tribute to the power of journalism
                               the film uncovers the flaws of the modern world, from                 against the frightening forces standing against it. Not only
                               environmental crises to the lack of human accountability,             are these women fearless and tenacious, but they also use
                               all in one community. This is a beautifully shot and                  the best of human ingenuity and tools on hand to confront
                               directed film that blends nature and human drama,                     social injustices and fight for marginalised voices. This serves
        much like the urban environment encroaching upon the wild. The brothers are the              as inspiration for aspiring journalists and a rejuvenating
        best of us, aiming to create a world where humans and animals coexist.                       experience for seasoned ones.

        MASAL A LITE  ISSUE 157 - JANUARY 2024
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