Page 24 - Masala Lite Issue 157 January 2024
P. 24
24 Nama-Slay!
your comfort and you didn’t have to wait long for C. You say hello and ask her about her career or if she’s
the car to come back. travelled anywhere exciting lately.
2. What most sounds like your comments when 6. How do you feel when the DJ at the party is playing
observing the décor of a party? a selection of the latest Western music?
A. “This looks cheap. They really didn’t spend much A. Annoyed and you say to anyone who will listen,
money or thought putting it together.” “Ugh, why isn’t he playing more Indian songs?! I’m
B. “Who cares about the décor when there’s a fully going to go up to the booth and tell him he needs
stocked bar!” to change it to Bollywood hits.”
C. “So lovely! I’m glad they used P’Note and his B. Like you want to dance.
An unreformed party girl and mother of two, team, who I recommended to them.” C. By gathering a group of people to come out on the
writer, editor and observer Sumati Huber tries to 3. What do you say when you see someone repeating dance floor and turn it into a rocking party.
make sense of our unique Thai-Indian society and the an outfit at a dinner party? 7. You really don’t want to go out tonight because
aunties that she will one day become. you are exhausted. But it’s a milestone dinner
A. “Oh…didn’t you wear that to our kitty dinner last party that you can’t miss so you go anyway. Why?
month? It’s going to look strange in the photos.”
Are You the Best Party Guest?: A Quiz A. Because you heard the host just redid their kitchen
B. “How would I remember what anyone else wore?”
We’ve made it to the new year, and are slowly coming C. “That’s great that you are thinking about sustainability and living room so you want to go see if they used
out of the social haze of the festive season. Now we can and getting lots of use out of your clothes.” cheap or expensive materials.
finally relax a bit…but wait! Next week is Shilpa’s big B. Because you feel guilty.
40th birthday bash? The monthly kitty meeting is coming 4. You’re attending a dinner party at someone’s home C. Because the host showed up for your birthday and
up? We must commemorate with dinner and drinks the and the food is being served. You notice a chicken all your friends will be there as well.
fact that we made it to Wednesday? OK then! There’s curry and say…
always something to celebrate in our bustling Indian A. “You know I make the best homemade chicken IF YOU ANSWERED…
community. With the celebrations also come the truth curry. Less oil and salt. It’s a favourite of everyone’s!
that no gathering is complete without your honoured Nothing can beat mine. Oh, this is catered from a Mostly As: Well, let’s just say people aren’t going to
guests scrutinising every detail of an event. What kind restaurant? Goodness, I can teach your cook how forget you at a party! You’re not the most easy-going
of party attendee are you? Take this quiz and find out. to make it. I hope you have enough options for the guest to please, and you spend more time complaining
vegetarians as well.” about an event than enjoying it. Somehow you will still
1. You are running late to an event (obviously). What’s always get invited because we fear what you would say
the parking situation like when you get there? B. “I’m hungry!”
if we didn’t.
A. Terrible, the host didn’t arrange for parking so you C. “You must share the contact of this restaurant, it’s
had to find a spot a few streets away and avoid delicious.” Mostly Bs: You’re not here to judge, you just want to
puddles and potholes walking to the venue in the 5. Someone you vaguely know at a party is wearing a have a good time!
dark. This will also be the first thing you mention dress that looks a bit too snug. What’s your reaction? Mostly Cs: You’re a joy to have over! You’ve certainly
when you arrive. hosted many social events yourself and know how hard
A. Ask a few other people at the party if she’s pregnant
B. No idea, I show up with my driver or Grab, so I let and then text more people after the party to it can be. You bring your helpful attitude to make sure
them handle it. question if she could be expecting. everything goes smoothly. We will surely be seeing you
C. Great, they even had a valet service available for B. Nothing, you didn’t even notice. at every party!