Page 46 - MASALA Magazine Vol.15 Issue 3 | February - March 2024
P. 46

Bumrungrad International Hospital
            is quite a popular choice among the
           Thai-Indian community. Why do you
            believe this is the case, and is there
            more being done to capture the
             international market from India?
           I believe it is important to acknowledge that
           Bumrungrad International Hospital has
           been established for more than 43 years. It
           has set its foundation as one of the country’s
           leading medical facilities. Our brand is
           widely recognised among embassies,
           chambers of commerce, corporates, and
           expatriate communities, including the
           Embassy of India, India-Thai Chamber
           of Commerce (ITCC), Indian Women’s
           Club (IWC), and many other business and
           cultural associations.             afraid of going to the doctor and actually   Hospital has been a dream come true for
                                              finding something wrong or facing health-  me, and I would love to associate myself
           We are open to learning about the   related challenges. But the pandemic   with this name for as long as I can. From
           community, as we have eight doctors of   accelerated the necessary steps to enhance   the business aspect, of course, the market
           Indian origin who are either directly treating   our well-being, which means people are   dynamics are very competitive, which leads
            patients, or are part of various support   finally starting to realise things could get   to a lot of opportunities. My key role going
           clinical teams. When our team engages   worse. Again, we are fortunate enough   forward is to maintain a balance while
           with the Indian community, on countless   to have technologies that highlight early   seeking more opportunities that attract
           occasions the conversation starts with them   detection and diagnose patients in the most   patients from across the world and not the
           mentioning how they have been coming   accurate way possible.         usual list of countries. The medical-value
            to the hospital for decades, and sharing                             travel of Thailand continues to grow, and
           heartfelt stories about the treatment and   Generally speaking, South Asians are   while challenges remain, but must make
            services they have received. The brand   prone to various health challenges,   sure we serve to the best of our abilities. And
           holds the trust of the community, as we   such as heart disease, diabetes, and   as long as I continue to work for this hospital,
           have consistently delivered excellence in   strokes.                  I will learn as much as I can to contribute
           both treatment and services, along with   How does Bumrungrad International   to its success for years to come.
            state-of-the-art technology. The hospital also   Hospital excel in helping them over-
           adapts to the needs of patients during their     come those healthcare challenges?
           visit by establishing a direct communication   We try our best to not only create awareness
           channel between the hospital and the   within the community but maintain consistent
           community seeking assistance.      outreach initiatives with public and private
                                              international schools and various organisations.   It is better to
           We have witnessed an accelerated   We have clinicians who engage with groups of
           shift in  the  healthcare landscape   people to not only connect with them, but to   detect and prevent
            post-pandemic. From your recent   share medical knowledge with non-healthcare   than to go through
           experiences, and from a business   professionals. We also utilise digital platforms,
           development perspective,           of course, to connect with the masses, from   the challenges of
           what  are  the  top  concerns  or   basic knowledge to more in-depth information   treatment or cures.
             priorities for healthcare providers?   in healthcare. We continue to periodically
           In the healthcare community, there has   have healthcare campaigns as well, and it
           also been an acclerated transformation in   has become greatly beneficial for people who
            prevention and wellness programmes that   never knew they were dealing with particular
           empower care providers to establish early   symptoms or illnesses.
           detection of illnesses in patients. For instance,
           within the hospital’s premises, we have   We are constantly encouraging people, at least
           our VitalLife Scientific Wellness Center.   over the age of 35, to do annual health check-
           This is nothing new, but it’s a standalone   ups. I would urge the readers of Masala to do
            facility that addresses a range of medical   the same if they don’t already. We now live in
            prevention measures, from longevity, anti-  an environment that can be highly detrimental
           aging, cleansing, detox, rejuvenation, and so   to people’s wellbeing. It is better to detect and
           on. Every party involved in an individual’s   prevent than to go through the challenges of
           wellness is proactive about health. This is     treatment or cures.
           a significant foot forward.        When all is said and done, what do

           Finally, from the healthcare providers’   you hope to achieve with Bumrungrad
            perspective, we must help people lessen   International Hospital  in the near
            their fear of visiting their healthcare     future?
            providers. Unfortunately, people are still   Working for Bumrungrad International

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