Page 78 - MASALA Magazine Vol.15 Issue 5 | June - July 2024
P. 78


                           From the




                       Dive into the wonders of
                    coastal Indian cuisine at NILA.

                            B Y  AYU SH  MADAN

                                                               FIRST IMPRESSIONS
                  midst the frantic pace of our daily lives, we sometimes
                  overlook the nuances of our heritage. It takes a fresh   Upholding their longstanding reputation of catering to their Indian
                  perspective to make us reconsider what we think we know.   clientele, Amari Bangkok recently unveiled NILA - a restaurant
           This realisation dawned on me during a recent conversation with   which welcomes its patrons on a culinary expedition to coastal
           my colleague and friend, Grace, who asked me about the regional   India. From the moment you walk through the open doorway, the
           and seasonal variations in Indian cuisine. Growing up, I mostly   vibrant amber hues of light will bathe you in an ethereal warm
           knew the rich, hearty dishes of northern Punjab, like naan, butter   glow. Hints of Portuguese architecture are peppered throughout,
           chicken, and chole bhature. And yet, living somewhere as hot and   from the stained-glass window behind the bar to the pleasing
           humid as Bangkok, enjoying these rich, warming, winter foods can   patterns and angular fixtures in the dining area. The cherry on
           be challenging. However, now that I have experienced the coastal,   top is a spacious open kitchen which gives you a full view of your
           light, and refreshing fare of NILA – aptly named after the colour   meal being prepared. The whole space has the identity of a Goan
           ‘blue’ in Hindi – I realise I have much more to explore. And who   home from the 1900s, perfectly capturing the essence of susegad
           better to share this culinary journey with than my grandmother?  – beachfaring, saltwater-misted, and peaceful zen energy.

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