Page 74 - e-magazine-masala-vol9-issue-1-august-september-2017
P. 74

From left to right: Sonal’s daughter chose the decoration for her room; Sonal’s special healing room

             Opposite the bar are two tall silver seats bought from a furniture   the room encompasses. It is also the quiet place where she likes to
             shop on Sukhumvit Soi 23. “I had liked this design back in   meditate. Although the house is decorated with elaborate Asian pieces,
             Singapore,” she recalls. “It’s funny how I found the exact same   the Buddha painting here is the only artwork that Sonal has completely
             ones in Bangkok.” Red cushions adorn the striking seats, until the   created on her own. Under the canvas are reading cards for her clients,
             lady of the house decides to change them of course.   organised perfectly in a semi-circle.

             Moving onto her mother-in-law’s room, which is also the   The beautiful apartment, with its fascinating artefacts, is an expression
             guestroom, we find Sonal’s special place — an area she calls   of humility and Sonal’s journey as a healer. Decorating the space
             her “healing room”. As an accredited journey practitioner, Sonal   with her own personal touches, she has created a home, where each
             invites clients here to absorb the positive energy and vibes that   member of the house finds peace and happiness.

               Striking silver chairs adorn the dining area       The Karamchandani family

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